Six ways to convince people you're trustworthy

How to build trust in a world of photoshop, filters and alternative facts.

Six ways to convince people you're trustworthy
Image by standret on Freepik

We live in a world of photoshop, filters and "alternative facts". Your audience is cynical as hell and unlikely to take "because I said so" as a reason to buy what you're selling.

So how do you build trust?

1. Social proof - reviews, ratings and quotes

People might not trust you but bizarrely we all trust other strangers. So trust pilot reviews, testimonals from happy customers, great comments on Glassdoor all work to help build trust.

2. Qualifications

Got a PhD? OBE? MD? Stick it on your website. Awards and accreditations all add to your credibility - within reason, grade three piano probably won't help you here.

3. Be honest

We're used to reading absolute trash on the internet. Get caught in a lie and it's game over. It might seem obvious but don't make things up, once the trut is god the fight to get it back could be impossible.

4. Be easy to contact

There's something about a phone number that inspires trust. A contact form or email will work but having a phone number is even better.

5. Use real photos - not stock imagery

Let us into YOUR shop, give people an insight into how YOUR staff look in YOUR office. Reality builds trust, everyone wants to see behind the curtain and cheesey stock imagery doesn't help.

6. Endorsements from respected institutions

Got a great write up in a paper - share it. Flattering review from a travel guide - share it. Much like reviews from individuals these will increase your credibility but while we don't know 'Sarah' who gave you five stars on trip adviser we often know the names of newspapers or brands who have endorsed you.

and finally

Never start sentences with 'To be honest...' . Other that using the phrases 'true fact' nothing destroys trust faster than 'trust me'.

If you're looking to build up trust with your audience I can help, get in touch to find out how.